Thursday, 30 October 2014

 Road Tax Renewal

# All the blue colored text is the link given.

MY E.G. Services Berhad (“MYEG”) is a concessionaire for Malaysian Electronic-Government (“E-Government”) MSC Flagship Application.  MYEG builds, operates and owns the electronic channel to deliver services from various Government agencies to Malaysia citizens and businesses.

First wave of solutions deployed in our early years (2000 to 2010) were for the Government to Citizen (“G2C”) and Government/Enterprise Solution (“GES”) business categories.  Over the past 5 years MYEG has invested in and is currently  deploying our next generation technologies based on The Internet of Things (“IoT”) solutions. We believe that the deployment of IoT coupled with big data analytics will bring significant improvements to our overall quality of life.  Our environment will increasingly anticipate our needs as opposed to responding to our actions.

MYEG implements cutting edge IoT solutions that is being deployed on a nationwide scale for the first time anywhere in the world.

Renewal road tax by MyEG :
An information system are collects,process,stores,analyzes,and dissminates information for a specific purpose. So that, the renewal road tax provides the information system that use by MyEG company.The types of information system that use by MyEG is E-government that use internet technology in general and E-commerce particular to deliver information and public service to citizens (called government -to- citizen or G2C EC ) and business to partners and suppliers ( called government -to- business or G2B EC ). E-government is also an efficient way of conducting business transaction with citizens and business and within government themselves.E-government makes government more efficient and effective, especially in the delivery of public services. An example of G2C electronic commerce is electronic benefits transfer, in which governments transfer benefits, such as Social Security and pension payments, directly to recipients' bank accounts.
The company that uses the renewal road tax system :
Jabatan Pengangkutan awam (JPJ)
The system available in more than 1 platform?
Yes, the system renewal road tax by MyEG avaible in more than 1 platform. For an example, laptop,tablet and smartphone.

Paul Tan about renewal road tax online with MyEG= Tax

How to Renew Road Tax Online :
MyEG, the Malaysia’s E-government services provider is really gearing up its services for the betterment of Malaysians. With its online road tax renewal, you don’t have to spend time going to the Road Transport Department (JPJ) or even pay extra for third party to help you renew your expired road tax (for private vehicles only). You even stand a chance to get 30% discount for your road tax.
  • Go to MyEG Portal
It’s actually very simple. Before you actually make the renewal, make sure your vehicle/auto insurance has been renewed. You will need the insurance details (cover note). You can also buy auto Insurance online via MyEG (only Etiqa and RHB Assurance available at the moment). Once that’s confirmed, go to
  • Fill in the E-Form
Then you’ll need to fill up the following e-form. Make sure all details are correct. You’ll also need to decide how do you want to collect your road tax. Either via delivery of self-collect via MyEG Services Centre (Currently only in Bandar Utama)
  • Input Insurance Details and Make Payments
After filling it up, click Proceed. The MyEG website will verify your data through the JPJ system. Once confirmed, you’ll need to fill in your insurance details and proceed to payment. You’ll need to pay the road tax + service charge + delivery charges.
The service charge for the road tax disc renewal is RM2.75. Delivery charges for the road tax disc for the Klang Valley is RM6, and RM8 for the rest of Peninsular Malaysia. For East Malaysia, the delivery charge is RM10. For peninsular Malaysia, you’ll received the road tax disc within 2-3 working days while Sabah and Sarawak would take as long as 5-7 working days.
There are three ways to make payments:
  1. Credit or debit card – Visa or Master
  2. FPX – Deduction from your bank account through FPX
  3. Online Banking – Direct deduction from your Bank account (M2U and HLB)

  • Print E-Receipt for Record
Every successful transaction will be issued with e-Services receipt, which you need to print for record. So make sure you have your printer available. Else, do a print screen and save it.  If there are any matters or doubts about this service, you may contact MyEG telemarketers for assistance at 03-7801 8888
Note: You can renew your road tax and insurance online 2 (two) months before the actual expiry date of your road tax.

These are some famous questions asked along with the answer:
1. How do I renew my insurance and road tax with MyEG?
Easy! Just call 03-7801 8888 and MyEG will assist you. You only need to tell :
  • Vehicle registration number and IC
  • Type of vehicle
  • CC - Engine capacity
  • Year of manufacture
  • Sum insured
  • Windscreen (Optional)
2. How will you obtain details of my vehicle and insurance if insufficient information is provided during my transaction?
We will verify all information with JPJ.If the details are incomplete, we will call you back to get the missing details and complete the transaction.
3. Do I need to print my Registration Card?
With MyEG, you are no longer required to have the RC printed. If needed (perhaps because of claims), you can call us at 03-7801 8888, and we will assist you to get it printed. Otherwise, you may just continue to renew online again the following year.
4. I heard MyEG is giving discounts for insurance and road tax up to 30%!!!
Yes, you are right. MyEG has the most attractive package. Call us at 03-7801 8888 to enjoy this promotion, which includes:
  • Up to 30% discount on your road tax.
  • We also deliver the road tax to your house, free of charge.
5. Who can use this service?
Anyone who has a Malaysian-registered vehicle with JPJ is eligible to use this service.
6. What are the benefits of renewing my road tax at MyEG?
  • The advantage of having online road tax renewal is as long as you have access to the internet, you may log on to MyEG's website and complete your renewal comfortably at home or at the office. This service is hassle-free, time-saving, cost-effective and accessible at any time. You can also choose to have the road tax delivered to you.
  • Furthermore, you are not required to use your Registration Card to complete the renewal process.
7. Is it safe to renew my road tax online?
Yes, it is safe and secure. The online road tax renewal through MyEG’s website has been audited, verified and approved by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan and the Malaysian Government. The Government has given the mandate to MyEG Services to provide the online renewal services.
8. What kind of vehicles can I renew with the online road tax service?
We offer renewal services for all vehicles registered under PRIVATE usage only (except motorcycles which will be launched at a later date).
9. How do I know if my transaction was successful?
Every successful transaction will be issued with an e-Services receipt. If there are any matters or doubts about this service, you may contact our officers for assistance at 03-7801 8888.
10. What are the types of payment options available?
There are 2 types of payment options available for this service:
  • Credit card – Visa or MasterCard which is locally issued in Malaysia.
  • Online Banking - a direct access from our website to your bank for the online transaction.
11. Can I renew my road tax if I have outstanding traffic summonses?
During the renewal process, Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan online service will check any outstanding summons and blacklist records at both JPJ and PDRM's database systems. In order to proceed with this renewal, it is necessary for you to make payment for all your outstanding traffic offences recorded.
12. Can I settle my traffic summonses online?
Yes. Upon receiving information that your renewal will be rejected in the event of outstanding summons, you may log on to MyEG PDRM services to make payment for the traffic offences first, before proceeding with your road tax renewal.
If there are summonses that have been issued with a "Warrant Date Expired", you need to proceed to the nearest Traffic Police counter to clear them. Once all outstanding summonses are resolved, you may continue with the renewal process.
13. How will I receive my road tax after I have completed my payment?
  • We will deliver to your doorstep with delivery charges levied as follows:Klang Valley : RM6.00 (2 working days)
    Peninsular Malaysia : RM8.00 (with 2-3 working days)
    Sabah & Sarawak : RM10.00 (within 5 working days)
    Express delivery (within Klang Valley) : RM20 (within 6 hours) *T&C apply
  • Biometrics thumbprint will be conducted upon ALL DELIVERIES by MyEG Services Logistics Officers to verify and record the details of the person receiving the road tax.
  • In the event the MyKad is faulty or cannot be read, our Logistics Officers will take a snapshot of the MyKad to ensure that there is no dispute on who accepts the road tax.
Please be assured that the photo of your MyKad will not be used for any other purpose besides this verification.
14. Can I renew more than one road tax application at a time?
Yes, you can renew more than one road tax on behalf of others provided one renewal is done at a time.
15. Where can I view my payment transaction?
Currently your payment transaction is printed on the receipt after your renewal is completed. You can also view your previous transactions through the transaction history link on the road tax page form.
16. What are the types of charges involved for online road tax renewal?
The charges involved are application (road tax fee) charges, convenience fees and delivery charges.
17. What happens if my payment is rejected?
There are a few possibilities if your payment is rejected. Depending on the exact situation, the problem may occur as a result of the following:
  • Credit card - Due to your credit card status which you will need to refer to your credit card bank centre to ensure that it is valid.
  • Intermittent System Interruption - Sometimes the system is at fault due to disruption of network or the entire system. If this occurs, please try the renewal process again.
18. Will I get a receipt upon payment?
Yes. Every successful transaction will be issued an e-Services receipt for reference. Please keep this receipt for future reference.
19. Who can I contact for assistance?
You may call the following numbers from Monday-Friday between 9.00am to 6.00pm. Customer Service - 03-7801 8888 (Road Tax and Insurance Renewals).
20. Is this service available all the time?
Yes, this internet-based service is available 24 hours daily.
21. Why do an error message "Tiada rekod insurans yang sah"?
Typically, there is no valid insurance coverage for the period chosen for road tax renewal.
Example : Transaction Date : 25/08/08    Road Tax Expiry : 06-09-2008    Insurance : 07-09-2008 till 06-09-2009
The above transaction failed because there is no insurance coverage at present. You could have bought over this car and the previous owner may have cancelled the insurance. Even though  the road tax expires in the future, there is no insurance coverage. Solution: You can reinstate the insurance coverage to the present road tax expiry date, or cancel the new insurance and start from the current date in order to be able to renew your road tax.
22. How do I go about making a claim on damages?
  • Maybank Etiqa - Call Claim Assist at 1-300-88-1007 for assistance.
  • RHB Insurance Helpline - Call 1-300-88-0881 for assistance.
  • MAA Takaful - Call 03-76283773 for assistance.
  • MAA Takaful Towing Service numbers:
    - 2011 policy issued: 1-300-88-6222 / 03-92362000.
    - 2012 policy issued: 03-76283773 / 03-78415660.
  • Kurnia Insurans - Call 1800-88-3833 for assistance.
  • Chartis Insurance – Call 1 300 883 933 / 03-76283660 – 24 hours daily.
23. If my car is stolen, do I get my full insured sum?
Claims will be based on the present market value of the vehicle. Therefore we recommend that your car is insured based on the current fair market value.
24. Do you provide a replacement car while my car is in the workshop?
Loss of Use claim only applies for 3rd Party Claim. Most insurance companies do not practice replacement cars but on their discretion may give cash on this particular claim.
Knock for Knock refers to claims due to the insured vehicle owner's negligence; there will not be any replacement car.
25. What is Excess?
Excess is the amount that the insured needs to pay, normally calculated at 1% of sum insured.
For example, sum insured is RM50,000. Excess is RM500. If there is a claim of RM10,000; the insurance company will pay RM9,500 and the insured pays the difference of RM500.

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